Thursday, May 11, 2006

Come Out Come Out Wherever you Are

This was a ball bounce, a hand clap game, and a jump rope rhyme.
It is dedicated to a playmate of mine - come out come out wherever you are. The game can't continue if you keep on hiding. :D :P

Play mate
come out and play with me
and bring your dollies three
climb up my apple tree
slide down my rain barrel
climb up my cellar door
and we'll be jolly friends
for ever more more more
Come out Come Out Wherever You are


Blogger ileya said...

Playmate, Im here to play with you, but my body's hurtin too..

My carpal tunnel is actin up and I have had to make myself stay away from the computer for the last few days..

I got a massage yesterday and now at least the pain is better but everytime I sit down here and try to read or write my shoulders start to burn right away.. Boo hoo hoo..

I popped on for a minute promising myself I wouldnt do anything but check my e's and here I am again. Writing away.. My blog is calling me and my friends at the fibro site are calling me and you are calling me to come and play.. And oh how badly I want to do that.. Just give me couple more days..

We'll and sunday we are headed across the state to see my mommy and grandma for a few days.. But Im still here.. Just cant really play right now..

I promise to bring all my dollies and my fairies and my rainbows and my hula hoop and we'll have a wonderful time soon..

And we'll be jolly friends for ever more... :-) I love you lady..
Your forever playmate..

2:42 PM  
Blogger VickeB said...

playmates is fun.
I always used to get left flat, and I could never understand it.
I baked mudpies on my cellar door and got yelled at.
l - 0 - l
(That's lol backwards :P)

3:53 PM  

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