Wednesday, January 25, 2006


dejection syn. wretchedness, dejection, despair

despondent adj.



yeah well. what are ya gonna do. i'd best get it through my thick head that i have no family.
yeah well. what are ya gonna do. ya gotta do what ya gotta do.
yeah well. so i say i'm a spiritual being.
yeah well. i wish people i know would stop criticizing me for what i'm not. i have good qualities too. so i'm a bad housekeeper. so what. i'm a caring soul. weigh it. and i wish that persons i know would stop telling me to change and to be what i'm not. and i wish that persons would care about other persons. stop telling me that if i do it your way everything will be perfect. everybody says that. it isn't creating the unity. guess i'm just an old utopianistic ex hippie still peacenik living in a whirl i dun't feel a part of. stop telling me what i am isn't right. it is disheartening you yutz brains. and, like i should let myself be disheartned by these yutz brains? well yeah, i do. cause it isn't a good thing and it makes me hurt.
these words are chosen to express an emotion i'm feeling.
VickeB is in E Space
and i'm also in terrible physical pain. first my back went into spasm, then i think i cracked a rib and pulled a muscle on my left side trying to open the car door. terrible pain. selling the house. don't know exactly where i'm going, have a plan but it keeps changing not going back to jersey cause jersey doesn't want me which means another hurricane season in florida.
yeah well
i'd best be grateful for what i do have, huh. i like blogging. at least there's that.