Friday, January 27, 2006

Wound, Wound, Wounded

i've always found 'w' to be a fascinating letter.
back in the 80's when i was being artistic and doing calligraphy, italic, 'w' was the hardest letter to write.

i can't remember the word for a word sounding the same and having 2 different meanings.
i'll look it up. it isn't onomotopoeia, it is alliteration, it isn't hyperbole - ok it will drive me crazy.
that's it
took me a while to retreive the file. haha its age.

an injury, usually involving the cutting or tearing of tissue {wow, an exact definition for a change}
an injury or hurt to feeling, sensibilities , or reputation
v.t. (verb transitive)
to inflict a wound upon; injure

a pt and pp of wind (past tense and present perfect)

wow all tenses of wind as a verb are homonyms. wind as a verb, as in wind the clock, or wind as a noun in which case it is the air that blows.

{notice all the w's please}

air in natural motion
a stream of air, as that produced by bellows
ok. wind has the short i -

to have or take a curving course
to coil or twine around something
to wrap around, encircle or wreathe
to roll thread or string into a little circle or ball
to tighten the spring of : wound the clock
to make one's way in a curving course.
this one has the long i - aye.

the wind is blowing as the wounded wind.


whimper is another good w word.

there is no w in yiddish. my grandfather used to say vedding anniwersary.